Tuesday 22 September 2015

抽獎結果 Lucky draw results

頭獎 1st prize - 0237
二奬 2nd prize - 0194
三獎 3rd prize - 3016 & 0386

安慰獎 Others:
1198, 1105, 1493, 0080, 0100, 0245, 0002, 2831, 1307, 2605, 0166, 0141, 0395, 0299, 3131, 2801, 1281, 2855, 0901, 2821, 0121, 2835, 0506, 2845, 2828, 0202, 0132, 2825, 0067, 0344

中奬人仕請於20/10/2015 或之前聯絡 Ricky  07719 586209

Please contact Ricky 07719 586209 on or before 20/10/2015 to claim the prize.

Wednesday 22 July 2015

20 週年暨慶祝中秋佳節籌款活動 Fundraising Event for Lincoln Chinese School and Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration

 *** FREE Entry, Everyone Welcome 免費入場 ***

Date & Time 日期及時間: 20/09/2015, Sunday 星期日, 12:00 – 15:00 pm 

Location 地點: Lincoln Drill Hall, Freeschool Lane, Lincoln, LN2 1EY 

Programmes 活動内容:
 - Bazaar Stalls 義賣攤位 £5/Per Table 每枱,Food 食品,Art&Craft 工藝品, Toys 玩具 & Workshops 手工。。。。

 - Lantern DIY competition 中秋花燈比赛:
Entry Fee Per Person 報名費每位 £1 
1st Prize x1 頭獎 1 名 ,2 nd Prize x1 二獎 1 

- Performances 表演:Dance 舞蹈,Music 音樂,Tai Chi Fan 太極扇。。。

- Raffle 幸運抽獎: £1 : 
1st Prize x 1 頭獎 £100, 
2 nd Prize x1 二獎 £50, 
3rd Prize x2 三獎 £15 -2 份 , plus many other prizes 另有很多獎