Friday 6 July 2012

恭喜本校學生 Congratulation to our students

恭喜本校學生劉慧芳及邱嘉欣同學獲到由英國中文學校聯會舉辨之中文書法比賽(毛筆) - 中級组,一等獎及二等獎。同時亦獲得由英國中文教育促進會舉辨之第五屆全英中文書法比賽的一等獎及二等獎。

Congratulation to our students - Wai Fong, Lau and Sammie Hiew who have won the First Prize Award and Second Prize Award from the Fifth UK National Chinese Calligraphy Competition 2102 by UKAPCE and  the Middle Group of the Chinese Calligraphy Competition 2011 by UKFCS. 

Tuesday 3 July 2012

運動會延至以下日期舉辦 Sport day re-arranged

Sport day have been re-arranged .
We welcome all of our students, parents, families and their friends together to join the games to have great fun.

日期 Date:15th July, 2012 
時間 Time :12:00PM - 15:30PM
地點 Place :中文學校後面草坪  Back grassland of our school

備註 Remarks 
*  1. 請自備午餐和飲品 Please provide your lunch 

** 2. 如當天下雨將會繼續上課,請當天帶備書包。                             
       Please bring your school bag with in case of rain, we will have lessons